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Loss of Pets

We have had kind of a rough year.  We have lost three dogs, and its been an adjustment.  We had an older dog that was a German pointer lab mix.  We also had two “puppies” that were about 8 years old, that came from the same litter.  We were never able to get a breed on them because they were so mixed.  The vet felt that even though they came from the same liter that they may have had two different fathers.

Last November out little blonde girl, Eevee, got really sick.  She was lethargic and had bloody stools, so we took her to the vet.  She had stomach cancer and we went ahead and had them try surgery.  The surgery didn’t go well.  She ended up going septic, and we had to have her euthanized.  It was so hard. We were with her and gave her pets and told her we loved her.  She did pass peacefully.  She was ready to go.  Not only did we lose her, but ewe ended up having to take out a loan to pay for her surgery and medical care. 


A few weeks later my little brown girl, Manda, my shadow, started yelping when we touched her back.  We thought she was either constipated or had injured her back.  I started making up food concoctions with ground beef, peas and pumpkin.  She thought it was tasty, but she was pooping regularly and still yelping about her back.  I took her into the vet who said based on how Manda was walking and responding they thought she was also either constipated or injured her back.  They also established that she was pooping fine, so they decided to x-ray her spine.  Her spine looked fin, but they got an image of a spot, farther up, on the edge of the image.  So, there was more testing, and another x-ray.  The results were that she had lung cancer.  I was floored, and devastated.  We were out of money and our only option was euthanasia.  I cried so hard.


I was so shocked that our two young dogs had passed but our older dog, Kadie, who was 15 at this point was still alert, active, and happy.  We decided to cherish her that much more.  We would give her lots of pets and hugs and treats. 

About two months ago we noticed her back legs were starting to not work as well. I took her to the vet and he put her on a medicine to help with muscle deterioration.  He said it was just old age and not neurological.  So he did blood work and then put her on the medicine, they did more bloodwork a few weeks later and everything looked good.  Thing went ok for a few months, and then, this fall, she was not longer able to use her back legs.  She lost 15 lbs and her front legs were starting to not work anymore.


I had a dream about her.  My daughter and I were at what felt like an old school country fair ground with a white wooden grandstand and lush green oval in the middle.  Our Kadie girl was playing and romping with ponies.  They were playing and her tail was wagging.  My daughter and I kept calling her to us and she would look but then run back off and play with the ponies. I remember being stressed because I couldn’t get top her.  Then she seemed to tell the ponies by and start running to us.  But the ran went to a tired walk. And then her back legs started dragging and she was trying to crawl to us.  She was struggling, and panting and she looked so sad and tired.  When I woke up, I told my daughter, she said she felt it was time to let her go, she clearly wants to go play with the ponies.  So, I told my husband and he called the vet and made the appointment.  We stayed with her, we loved on her, and I told her she could go play with the ponies.  

I am no longer a dog mom.  I miss them. 


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